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Strona główna » Zabawki i klocki dla Nastolatków i Dorosłych » Szachy » Książki New In Chess » Train Your Chess Pattern Recognition: More Key Moves & Motifs in the Middlegame
Train Your Chess Pattern Recognition: More Key Moves & Motifs in the Middlegame

Train Your Chess Pattern Recognition: More Key Moves & Motifs in the Middlegame

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Cena: 130,80 zł

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In this sequel to his instant classic, Arthur van de Oudeweetering presents players of almost every level with a fresh supply of easy-to-remember building blocks for their chess knowledge.

Pattern recognition is one of the most important mechanisms of chess improvement. It helps you to quickly grasp the essence of a position on the board and find the most promising continuation.

In short, well-defined and practical chapters, IM Van de Oudeweetering presents hundreds of surprising middlegame themes. 

After working with this book, you will find the right move more often and more quickly!

To test your understanding, Van de Oudeweetering provides an abundance of exercises.

Arthur van de Oudeweetering (1966) is an International Master and an experienced chess trainer from the Netherlands.

GM Matthew Sadler, author of 'Chess for Life':
"Gives you the very pleasant feeling of learning new things without spending too much effort!"

IM Frank Zeller, SCHACH Magazine:
"Once you have stored a lot of patterns, finding the best or most interesting move at the board will take less time (..) The (unintentional?) side-effect of the book is: a snapshot of moderns chess at the highest level."

IM Dirk Schuh, Rochade Europa Magazine:
"This book is structured the same way as 'Improve Your Chess Pattern Recognition' and gives just as much joy (..) It is very amusingly written and it will easily improve your chess."

Harry Schaack, KARL Chess Magazine:
"Every ambitious player should at least make sure that he knows all motifs that 'Chess Pattern Recognition' presents."

CHESS Magazine (UK): 
The Dutch IM and experienced chess teacher presents more key middlegame themes and ideas. Van de Oudeweteering's emphasis is on gradually increasing the reader's building blocks so that he or she becomes much better at pattern recognition."

B.H.Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad:
"Suitable for players of every level (..) Recognition helps with confidently finding a plan and the right continuation."

FIDE Master Richard Vedder,
"'Improve Your Chess Pattern Recoginition' presented 40 eye-openers for club players. In his new book Arthur van de Oudeweteering has collected another 37 small-scale themes that are very useful to know."

Florian Jacobs, Max Euwe Centre Amsterdam:
"A book that will make every chess player more creative."

Gerd Schowalter, German Correspondence Chess Federation:
"This fine and instructive book has a convincingly clear lay-out."

Mark Haast,
"A highly instructive middlegame book (..) recommended to everyone who wants to extend his arsenal of positional weapons. And fun to read, that too!"

PRAISE for Arthur van de Oudeweetering's 'Improve Your Chess Pattern Recognition': 

James Rizzitano, ChessCafe:
“Club players will benefit from this book and master level players are also likely to pick up some new ideas by carefully reviewing the material.”

IM Gary Lane, Chess Moves Magazine:
"Every improving player will learn a lot from this book."

IM Thomas Engqvist, SchackSnack:
“It is an excellent book when it comes to freshen up the arsenal of typical but also unusual positional themes (..) Normally in a game the positional ideas precede the combinations and that's why this middlegame book is so important.”

Informacja: Produkt wprowadzony do obrotu przed 13.12.2024

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