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Opening preparation is essential, but for aspiring players understanding the middlegame is even more important. Techniques of Positional Play, an improved edition of a Russian classic, teaches amateur chess players 45 extremely effective skills in a crystal-clear manner.
Quite a few of these techniques will be revelations for club players, as they offer solutions for problems amateurs are often only subconsciously aware of. For example:
• How do you restrict the efficacy of your opponent’s pieces?
• What is the best way to exchange a piece?
• How do you prevent your opponent from opening a file?
• Which rook belongs on the c-, d- or e-file?
• How do you castle artificially?
The techniques are easy to understand and memorize. The authors present a wealth of practical examples and do not burden the reader with unnecessary deep analysis. There is a special training section at the end of the book where you can test your newly acquired skills.
Ukrainian International Master Valeri Bronznik lives and works in Germany. He has written a number of highly acclaimed books on chess, such as '1.d4-Beating the Guerillas'.
Anatoli Terekhin is a well-known Russian chess trainer. He leads a chess academy in Perm.
Paul Kane, Manchester Chess Federation:
"One of the best books on positional play you're ever likely to read."
Martin Rieger, SchachWelt:
"I am absolutely convinced that every (really every!) chess player will learn a whole lot from this book. For me personally it is one of the best chess books on the market today."
John D. Warth, Chess Club of Southern Indiana:
"The authors discuss moves that other books on chess have seldom if ever addressed (..) Each chapter is littered with fascinating ideas and strengthened with abundant diagrams."
Max Euwe Center, Amsterdam:
"An instructive book for a wide range of club players."
Joe Petrolito, Australasian Chess Magazine:
"I was pleasantly surprised to find a lot of original ideas that I had not seen before (..) The examples have very instructive notes to reinforce the ideas being discussed (..) An original and instructive book on an important area of chess."
John Hartmann Chess Book Reviews:
Carsten Hansen, ChessCafe:
"This book contains many good examples that may help readers see new possibilities in their own games."
International Master John Donaldson:
"It should prove to be of great value to many players, especially those in the 1800-2400 range."
Informacja: Produkt wprowadzony do obrotu przed 13.12.2024
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