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Strona główna » Zabawki i klocki dla Nastolatków i Dorosłych » Szachy » Debiuty » Grandmaster Repertoire 2 - 1.d4 volume 2 - By Boris Avrukh (twarda okładka)
Strona główna » Zabawki i klocki dla Nastolatków i Dorosłych » Szachy » Debiuty » Grandmaster Repertoire 2 - 1.d4 volume 2 - By Boris Avrukh (twarda okładka)
Grandmaster Repertoire 2 - 1.d4 volume 2 - By Boris Avrukh (twarda okładka)

Grandmaster Repertoire 2 - 1.d4 volume 2 - By Boris Avrukh (twarda okładka)

Koszt wysyłki: od 18,99 zł

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Wersja językowa książki - angielska. Twarda okładka.

This is the hardcover edition of GM2.

Grandmaster Repertoire is a new series of high quality chess books based on the main lines, written by strong grandmasters. The aim is to provide the reader with a complete repertoire at a level good enough for elite tournaments, and certainly also for the club championship.

Grandmaster Repertoire provides a repertoire to last a lifetime.

Top GM Boris Avrukh charts a course towards an advantage with 1.d4. Avrukh is used to facing the best players in the world. In this book he presents an improved version of the repertoire that elevated him to the top 50, focussing on main lines with a kingside fianchetto.

1.d4 Volume Two covers the King's Indian, Dutch, Grunfeld, various Benonis, Benko, Budapest Gambit and other minor openings.

Boris Avrukh is a chess grandmaster from Israel. He is an Olympiad gold medallist, former World Junior Champion and analysis partner of World Championship finalists.

ISBN: 978-1-906552-70-1 - 616 pages - Published 25 February 2010



"As with its predecessor, this volume is a candidate for the best opening book of the year. The coverage is extremely detailed, and every relevant path, main line or otherwise, is presented in spectacular detail. All new ideas are indicated with an "N" for novelty and most of the novelties are clear improvements over existing theory...

This is an extremely impressive book that will serve ambitious players for years. However, it is geared towards those players who are rated 2000 and up. If you are rated above that level, you should consider buying this book, whether you play 1.d4 as White or face it with Black. These two volumes on 1.d4 constitute the most serious bid for the best and deepest opening repertoire ever presented in book format. I love the author's devotion and dedication to the cause, and I'm confident that his suggested repertoire will find many followers."

Carsten Hansen, ChessCafe


"The high-quality Grandmaster Repertoire series has taken this format to a completely different level. The recently published Volume Two of Avrukh’s “1.d4” concludes the work begun in style in his frst book."

GM Michael Adams, The Telegraph


"Two years ago Boris Avrukh ‘s 1.d4 Volume 1 set a standard for opening books . His follow-up, 1.d4 Volume 2 is possibly even better.

Grandmaster Avrukh has done the chess world a great service in writing his repertoire series. No one is perfect. Inevitably some of the lines he recommends will come under fire and here and there small things will have been overlooked, but overall this is a fantastic achievement. Avrukh must have slaved away for hundreds if not thousands of hours.  Players from master on up to strong Grandmaster will find 1.d4 Volume 2 to be extremely useful as will ambitious players below this standard and correspondence player, but keep in mind this is a demanding book for the reader as well as the author.

1. d4 Volume 2 is a very well-produced book as is typical of those published by Quality Chess. Despite being thicker than the average phone book it is very sturdily bound which allows it to stay open on any page - not an easy thing for most 600-page books.

Strongly Recommended"

IM John Donaldson


Table of contents

Key to symbols used 6
Foreword by Grandmaster Boris Gelfand 7
Bibliography 8
Foreword by the Author 9

The Bogo-Indian Defence
1 4...c5 13
2 4...Bxd2† 19
3 4...a5 30
4 4...Qe7 36

The Budapest Gambit
5 Farajowicz Variation 59
6 Classical Variation 66

Benoni Systems
7 Catalan Benoni 92
8 Snake Benoni 102
9 Benoni without …Nf6 108
10 Reluctant Benoni 113
11 Czech Benoni 126
12 Old Benoni 144
13 Modern Benoni 164
14 Benko Gambit 201

The Dutch Defence
15 Stonewall Variation 221
16 Classical Variation 243
17 Leningrad Variation 262
18 St Petersburg Variation 289

The Grünfeld Defence
19 Dynamic Variation 297
20 Solid Variation 337

The King’s Indian Defence
21 6...Bg4 367
22 6...Nc6 & 7...Bg4 370
23 6...Nc6 & 7...Bf5 379
24 6...Nc6 & 7...e5 387
25 6...Nc6 & 7...a6 400
26 6...Nc6 & 7...Rb8 414
27 6...c6 426
28 6...Nbd7 460
29 9...Qb6 491

The Modern Defence
30 Wade Defence 501
31 The Modern Defence 521

Minor Systems
32 2...b6 538
33 b-pawn Systems 542
34 English Defence 556
35 Black Knights Tango 572
36 Old Indian 578
37 Queen's Indian Attempt 587
38 Odd ideas 593

Index of Variations 601


Related blog posts

Boris Avrukh available on this blog
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Grandmaster Repertoire 2 - 1.d4 Volume Two at the printer
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Related websites

Boris Avrukh - Wikipedia - wikipedia page about Avrukh
Official website - Avrukh's personal website.
GM Boris Avrukh chess blog -
FIDE player profile - Boris's fide card - the chess games of Boris Avrukh

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