The Second Edition of Another Dvoretsky Classic!
It is very important for the practical player to train his or her ability, understand when to rely on intuition, rules of thumb and more general positional considerations, when to try to solve problems by calculating variations to the end and how to manage time to avoid time pressure.
With these goals in mind, the second edition of Dvoretsky’s Analytical Manual delivers excellent, high quality training materials and many exercises.
Mark Dvoretsky, generally recognized as one of the best chess trainers in the world, discusses every problem from the perspective of the practical player, gives many general guidelines and investigates psychological aspects in depth.
This book takes its place next to the author's classic work on endings, 'Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual', as being one of the great chess books of the modern era. From 'Dvoretsky's Analytical Manual' the serious student can take his understanding of complex middlegame ideas to the next level.
With a Foreword by Karsten Mueller
Here's what critics had to say about the First Edition:
GM Lev Alburt, ChessCafe:
"This high-octane, excellent instructional material is nicely enhanced by the author's erudition and wit (..) A true gem!"
IM Jeremy Silman:
"Very good stuff (..) There is a shocking amount of rich material in this book (..) A magnificent piece of work."
Sean Marsh at
"Established Dvoretsky fans will definitely enjoy this volume; it might even be his best to date.”
Informacja: Produkt wprowadzony do obrotu przed 13.12.2024
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