For the last ten years Grandmaster Lev Alburt has been writing a very special monthly column for the U.S. Chess Federation's magazine, Chess Life. Nontitled readers are asked to contribute their most instructive games, with generous annotations.
From dozens of entries, Lev chooses for his column one he considers to be of greatest value for CL's readers, adding his own comments and advice.
For this book, Lev has selected forty of his best columns, arranged by theme, and has added some new material, all to make A Fresh Look at Chess both truly instructional and fun to read.
Most chess books have been written by grandmasters and use only the hard-to-understand games of grandmasters to help amateurs. This book uses a new, complementary - and very effective - approach: amateur games reveal the mistakes your opponents will make, and show you how to capitalise on them.
International Grandmaster Lev Alburt, a three-time U.S. Champion and former European Champion, is one of hte most sought-after chess teachers in the world. He co-authored and published the Comprehensive Chess Course (From Beginners to Master and Beyond) series, to which A Fresh Look at Chess is the latest addition.
Informacja: Produkt wprowadzony do obrotu przed 13.12.2024
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